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The Slow and Steady Global Partnership

In 2017 & 2018, we began searching for and connecting with partners in 10 Regions

In the darkness, we have found lighthouses in cities, in valleys, on islands, and on the foothills of mountains around the world. We have scoured the internet, books, and the brains and hearts of friends to identify some of the most inspirational eco villages, eco resorts, and city based hubs in every major region of our little planet.

Impact Hub now has over 100 locations in key cities. The Global Eco Village Network has identified eco villages around the globe. We believe that a truly global movement must have active participation from all corners of the globe. While we do need to prototype and test the basic hypothesis in Jakarta, the final design, rollout strategy and ultimate success of the platform depends upon it being fully adopted around the world.

So, looking at the world as a whole, we have identified 10 regions to focus upon:

1) East Asia with a focus on China

2) South Asia with a focus on India

3) The Southern Half of Africa

4) The Northern Half of Africa

5) North America with a focus on the United States

6) South East Asia with a focus on Indonesia and the inclusion of Australia, New Zealand, and Small Island Nations

7) Western Europe

8) South America

9) Eastern Europe

10) The Middle East

Within each of these regions, we have identified Impact Hubs, other city based centers for social enterprise and leadership, eco villages, and inspiring eco resorts. We are slowly reaching out to each of them, and when possible, visiting to make personal connections.

In June of 2018, we are visiting Auroville in India. In August and September, we will be visiting inspiring Impact Hubs and eco villages in Europe. In November and December, we will be visiting North America and Impact Hubs and eco villages there. Our Global outreach will take center stage in 2019, after we have demonstrated a successful pilot project and prototype in Jakarta.